My expertise
My higher education and continued learning experiences tend to be geared toward alternative therapies and practices because that is what personally resonates with me. As a sensitive, I learned over the years that I respond best to therapies that are gentler and more energy-based, and I attract clients who need this as well.
People who come to see me may have treatment-resistant struggles, chronic illnesses, unexplainable health problems, Lyme-related issues, brain fog or concentration difficulties, chemical or toxin exposures (including EMFs), food sensitivities, chronic infections, interference fields, blocked physical or emotional trauma, among other things. A common complaint is feeling energetically drained or that “something is off.”
My original degrees were in Business Administration and Interior Design; however, I was constantly studying about health. Ultimately, I received my masters and doctorate in Holistic Health, purposely studying health and wellbeing from an all-inclusive perspective.
Some of my post doctorate education includes advanced clinical training with The Academy of International BioEnergetic Sciences, Level I & II training in Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) through Premier Research Labs, certification in BioIndividual Nutrition (foundational and kids) with BioIndividual Nutrition Institute as well as multiple courses in Kinesiology (muscle testing), PSYCH-K, homeopathics, Lyme Dis-ease, gut/brain health, interference fields, energy healing, tuning forks, etc.
Work with Sharon
My Healing Journey
A big part of who I am is because of the health challenges I have encountered. I have come to realize that a heath issue or illness is actually your body’s way of telling you something is out of balance. It is a wake-up call to tap into a deeper part of yourself, to grow and expand who you are and/or a time to slow down and do some inner reflection and learning. I have had to do both over the years.
For me it started as a child when I had rheumatic fever. After six years of taking penicillin, we learned as a family that modifying our diet for the better and adding a few supplements strengthened the immune system enough to heal itself. (This actually led my mom down the path of becoming a Naturopathic Doctor.) However, in today's more complicated world it is no longer as easy as simply improving your food and nutrients.
After college, I lived in New York City for 5 years, got married and moved to Nashville, and eventually wrote what turned out to be a college textbook and had my own commercial interior design firm. It was an exciting but very unbalanced life that eventually caught up to me. I first learned I had heavy metal toxicity and then Lyme Dis-ease, but traditional therapies were too much for me. This is when I was introduced to frequency healing, the power of homeopathics, and looking at the body energetically, not just physically. I started learning how to tap into my inner strengths in a whole new way.
Later, after fixing up an old house while being exposed to the many toxins in new construction through my design business, I learned first hand about EMF toxicity and the many building and environmental toxins we are regularly exposed to. I went deeper into my healing journey and worked towards my masters and doctorate in Holistic Health. During this time I got pregnant. I was fortunate to have a healthy pregnancy and a home birth. However, as our son got older I could see how sensitivities like mine affected him and other children, which gave me a whole new level of understanding.
My most recent health challenge was due to several mold exposures, which led me to discover even deeper layers that needed to be healed within myself. It forced me to "release the old" on many levels so I could more fully tap into my life’s work. . . My experiences and my sensitivities make me better at what I do and allow me to relate to what you may be going through.

"I have learned so much about my body's unique needs, reactions, and functions from Sharon. And also about the environmental changes and conditions that affect all of us these days. The service and wisdom she offers is detailed and, at times, amazing! . . . Her recommendations are delivered in a kind, non-judgmental way, offering hope and help for the emotional, mental, and physical challenges we face every day. Thank you, Sharon"

"I am 68 years old and was suffering from extremely low energy and drive, as well as diminished clarity. A friend introduced me to Sharon and after her evaluation, she helped me improved my health significantly within a few months. . . . She has a calming, helpful, supportive presence and presents information with clarity. I recommend her to everyone, especially those who have had difficulty finding solutions through traditional medical fields.”
Are you more sensitive than others?
Most people that find me know they are more sensitive than others. They react to things differently - the environment, other people, the foods they eat, the products they use, certain supplements or therapies, etc. It can be frustrating, but these sensitivities can also be a blessing. I will help you tap into your own energies, shift them to the positive, and give you the tools to turn your sensitivities into strengths.
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