Is Your Produce Safe to Eat?

chemicals food preservatives food sensitivities gene editing gmo/genetically modified healthy shopping pesticides / glyphosate plastic toxins Jul 11, 2023
vegetables on a table

A newer level of food manipulation is happening. Are you ready? Below I have linked a must see video and included links to other resources to get you up to speed on the newest produce-related technologies and ways to avoid it.

Manipulation of farmed produce began with pesticides, many of which were made from chemicals left over from WWII.

Eventually, genetically modified (GM) seeds were developed to allow more chemical spraying “without damaging” the plants. (Learn more about GMOs here.) Originally declared safe, these GM foods are damaging and negatively effect the microbes in our bodies, especially in the gut.

More recently, gene editing (most often referred to as CRISPR technology) took “genetically modified” to a whole new level. (Watch the video in the link to learn more.)

And, now we may be forced to eat a plastic coating, known as Apeel (also known as Edipeel and Organipeel), which will be applied to many of our “fresh” fruits and vegetables.Do you know what to look for? Watch the video below to understand what this newest food technology is all about.

After watching this video by the Million Mom Movement you will know more about:

  • what this coating is made of (and it definitely is not natural)
  • what you need to be looking for in the store (even health food stores)
  • what to watch for at home (because the produce will not ripen the same)
  • alternative options for obtaining safe produce

There is also a great comprehensive list more recently researched and created by Deep Roots at Home, to learn more about specific stores and producers throughout the United States. Use this list to get a better idea of where to shop and what brands to avoid.

Of course, the best alternative scenario is to grow your own food. Or, work with other families to create a community garden! The next best step is to find local farmers markets and/or CSAs. You can use the links in my previous article to find resources near you.

You also need to be cautious of meat and dairy because farmed animals:

  • are eating many of the same foods (especially GM corn and soy), which potentially modifies their DNA
  • are getting inject with more and more pharmaceuticals each year, some of which include mRNA technology
  • are purposely genetically modified, as the case with GM salmon, to create higher yields
  • are getting harder to distinguish from fake/man-made meats full of suspect ingredients, including those that are genetically modified

With each increased level of food manipulation, there is a greater potential for damage to the human body.

Some of these technologies are changing us on the genetic/DNA level, so please take this information seriously. Modify how you shop and how you eat, concentrating on the foods you eat most often. . .  and tell your family and friends.

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