What’s new in the blog?

Life is about learning and growing. I love to research, learn new things, and simplify what I learn in my blog articles and other educational tools. Use these resources to add to your knowledge of living an empowered life and start making improvements one step at a time. Commit to making one change a week. Every step you take to remove something negative or unhealthy or add something positive and life-giving is a step in the right direction!

Plastic Toxins in Our Bodies and Our World Jun 25, 2024

This article has been updated. It was originally posted January 2019. As you read through it, really consider the plastic clothing (including underwear and bras), blankets and bedding you use....

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Is Your Produce Safe to Eat? Jul 11, 2023

A newer level of food manipulation is happening. Are you ready? Below I have linked a must see video and included links to other resources to get you up to speed on the newest produce-related...

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Quality Water: What is the Best? May 17, 2020

This article has been updated. It was originally posted August 2014. You can now see my Favorite Products for the water purification systems I use and love.

Drinking quality water is important....

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Brain Health: Alzheimers, Leaky Roof and Healing Aug 31, 2019

What does a leaky roof and your health have in common?

I was recently reminded of a concept that I first learned from Dr. Dale Bredesen in his book The End of Alzheimer’s. As he explains in...

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Reduce Cancer Risk: 7 Daily Things to Do Apr 08, 2016

We are all susceptible to cancer. In fact, each of us has cancer cells in our body on a regular basis. If your immune system is strong, it keeps these cancer cells in check. The good news is that...

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Detox Naturally: 6 Things to Start Today Jan 10, 2016

We are bombarded with toxins on a daily basis. From the foods we eat to the products we put on our body and the air we breath, chemicals and other toxins find their way into our bodies, our organs,...

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What’s Really in Bath and Body Products? Oct 31, 2014

I had a client this past month, actually a family of four, that found out that the bathroom wipes they were using were recalled because they contained Burkholderia cepacia (B. cepacia), a...

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