What’s new in the blog?

Life is about learning and growing. I love to research, learn new things, and simplify what I learn in my blog articles and other educational tools. Use these resources to add to your knowledge of living an empowered life and start making improvements one step at a time. Commit to making one change a week. Every step you take to remove something negative or unhealthy or add something positive and life-giving is a step in the right direction!

Childhood Digital Trauma Sep 09, 2023

“Kids today are exposed to so many things that were not around when we were growing up.”

I know. Every generation says the same thing because the world keeps changing. However, the...

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Hospital EMFs Can Affect Healing Oct 29, 2021

I found myself in multiple hospital and emergency rooms these past couple years, both with my father who passed away in early 2020 and then with my husband who had a health crisis later that year...

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5*G and Satellites: Getting Up to Speed Jun 06, 2021

Photo: You can recognize a 5*G small cell tower by the circular antenna on top and the large box-like power source attached to the pole. (The one on the right has the power source with a Smart...

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Digital Dementia: Do You or Your Child Have It? Nov 22, 2019

Have you heard about digital dementia? What about “tech trance” or “computer coma?” These are real concerns that health practitioners are seeing around the world . . . and...

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Dirty Electricity: What Is It and How to Resolve Jun 30, 2019

Dirty electricity (DE) has been around since the invention of electricity and has been a known phenomena since the 1950’s, but the amount of DE that we experience on a daily basis has gotten...

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EMF Detox: Grounding Mar 14, 2019

EMFs and wireless technology, collectively known as electrosmog, are not going anywhere. I was reminded tonight when we stopped for dinner at our local Panera Bread. And, I was reminded of the need...

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EMF Protection: Laptops, Tablets, and Cell Phones Nov 26, 2018

As many of you know, I am always looking for ways to reduce our exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and wireless radiation as I continue to pursue the health of myself and my family and...

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Smart Meter Causing Your Health Problems? Oct 19, 2018

We are continuing to learn just how dangerous smart meters can be. They are affecting everything from sleep and anxiety to autoimmune issues and other unexplainable symptoms.

Previously, I wrote...

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Wi-Fi in Schools: Endangering Our Kids? Sep 28, 2018

As my husband and I begin to look at different school options for our 11 year old son (who is currently being home-schooled), the thought of computers and, more specifically wireless technology...

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Smart Meters are NOT Smart: How to Protect Yourself Sep 22, 2016

I was working in the yard one day last December when I noticed that one of our electrical meters looked new. (We live in a converted duplex house so we have two meters.) When I called the...

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EMF Basics: Learn What You Can Do Jun 30, 2015

You can’t see them, you can’t hear them, you can’t taste them, but they are out there: electromagnetic fields (EMFs). And, they are affecting your health even if you do not...

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