What’s new in the blog?

Life is about learning and growing. I love to research, learn new things, and simplify what I learn in my blog articles and other educational tools. Use these resources to add to your knowledge of living an empowered life and start making improvements one step at a time. Commit to making one change a week. Every step you take to remove something negative or unhealthy or add something positive and life-giving is a step in the right direction!

Childhood Digital Trauma Sep 09, 2023

“Kids today are exposed to so many things that were not around when we were growing up.”

I know. Every generation says the same thing because the world keeps changing. However, the...

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Digital Dementia: Do You or Your Child Have It? Nov 22, 2019

Have you heard about digital dementia? What about “tech trance” or “computer coma?” These are real concerns that health practitioners are seeing around the world . . . and...

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Wi-Fi in Schools: Endangering Our Kids? Sep 28, 2018

As my husband and I begin to look at different school options for our 11 year old son (who is currently being home-schooled), the thought of computers and, more specifically wireless technology...

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EMF Basics: Learn What You Can Do Jun 30, 2015

You can’t see them, you can’t hear them, you can’t taste them, but they are out there: electromagnetic fields (EMFs). And, they are affecting your health even if you do not...

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