What’s new in the blog?
Life is about learning and growing. I love to research, learn new things, and simplify what I learn in my blog articles and other educational tools. Use these resources to add to your knowledge of living an empowered life and start making improvements one step at a time. Commit to making one change a week. Every step you take to remove something negative or unhealthy or add something positive and life-giving is a step in the right direction!
I first wrote this article in 2017, but it is worth readdressing after the last couple of years since new and unusual health triggers have been introduced.
Did you know that most diseases take an...
“Kids today are exposed to so many things that were not around when we were growing up.”
I know. Every generation says the same thing because the world keeps changing. However, the...
Have you heard about digital dementia? What about “tech trance” or “computer coma?” These are real concerns that health practitioners are seeing around the world . . . and...
So much can be done to improve your brain health. And, many of the same strategies can be used to improve other health-related issues.
But, what does a leaky roof and your health have in common?
To help you get a better understanding of how the CyberScan system works, I wanted to share a great documentary called The Living Matrix.
It explains the human body in a way that we are...
We are continuing to learn just how dangerous smart meters can be. They are affecting everything from sleep and anxiety to autoimmune issues and other unexplainable symptoms.
Previously, I wrote...
I know first hand that the foods we eat affect our health. I learned this early, when I was sixteen, after being on penicillin daily for 6 years. I had rheumatic fever and I was told that I would...
Hippocrates, the physician known as the father of western medicine, knew it years ago when he said, “All disease begins in the gut.”
Today, having a “leaky gut” is more...
Epilogue: We have continued to branch out from our typical eating habits. Now when we eat out and I realize that I unknowingly ate MSG (or other food preservative that affects me), I take a...