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Life is about learning and growing. I love to research, learn new things, and simplify what I learn in my blog articles and other educational tools. Use these resources to add to your knowledge of living an empowered life and start making improvements one step at a time. Commit to making one change a week. Every step you take to remove something negative or unhealthy or add something positive and life-giving is a step in the right direction!

Avoid the Flu by Building Your Immune System Jan 18, 2018

It is not unusual to see more sickness during and after the holiday season – with the stress of eating more, traveling more, socializing more, etc. . . .and after all the treats that are so...

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Balancing the Gut Microbiome Oct 30, 2017

As a young girl, I was on penicillin daily for six years, so I know first hand the affects of a compromised microbiome. Over the years, I had to work hard on healing the gut and even today I still...

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Reduce Cancer Risk: 7 Daily Things to Do Apr 08, 2016

We are all susceptible to cancer. In fact, each of us has cancer cells in our body on a regular basis. If your immune system is strong, it keeps these cancer cells in check. The good news is that...

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Boost Your Immune System Naturally Jan 26, 2014

”The germ is nothing, terrain is everything.”
Claude Bernard (1817-1920)

Did you know that each time you eat sugar, your immune system is compromised for up to five hours...

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