Scars and Interference Fields

body field dental work / teeth emotions fascia frequency healing interference fields lyme dis-ease / insect bite nervous system thyroid health May 30, 2024
women showing scar on back shoulder

Most of us have at least one scar on our body. You could have skinned your knee as a child, hit your head, been in a car accident, had surgery, etc. Often, the scar heals and we move on with our life.

However, these scars and traumas and the toxins they produce can potentially create interference fields in the body. It is another component of frequency health to consider.

Acting like a “short circuit,” the interference field causes stagnation and hinders communication in the body, not allowing it to fully heal. A scar can also hold on to the memory of the event, which further hinders healing.

Our bodies consist of energy systems. You likely heard of the chakra system, the main chakras being the seven energy centers that begin at your tail bone and end at the crown of your head. Each of us also has what I call a secondary energy system. called the meridian system. These are energy pathways that run through your body to different organs and body parts, many ending at your fingers and toes and closely corresponding to different vertebra and teeth.

When an area of your body gets traumatized, such as a scar from an injury or surgery or a head trauma (which can create an internal scar), this trauma can block normal energy flow in the body and ultimately affect a specific organ and/or gland or other function in the body seemingly unrelated to the original scar or trauma.

Some more common examples include:

  • stomach issues as a result of a physical trauma along the center line of the body (anywhere from the head to the anus, including an episiotomy)
  • thyroid problems and/or swelling in the legs due to a scar in the midsection (such as a c-section or hysterectomy)
  • headaches as an adult caused by a broken arm that occurred in childhood
  • issues with one eye, one knee, one kidney, etc. due to a previous injury on one side of the body
  • blocked energy in a specific area from an injection, an infectious bug bite, and even a tattoo
  • a tooth damaged by dental work (such as an amalgam filling, root canal, or cavitation), which can affect the meridian connected to that tooth

There can also be more generalized interference fields in the hands and/or feet, such as a direct injury or high exposure to EMFs (like getting a shock from an electrical switch or holding a cell phone for a long period of time).

These physical scars and other connective tissues of the body can:

  • become saturated with toxic chemical residues that have gradually deposited there over time.
  • hold onto the unprocessed emotional trauma from the incident that caused it, like a car accident or emergency c-section.
  • effect the lymphatic system (or lymph nodes) in that area, creating stagnation.
  • effect the fascia (bands of connective tissue) in the area of the scar as well as other parts of the body, as fascia in one area can “pull” or distort the fascia elsewhere.
  • block nerves from signaling properly, preventing the body’s autonomic nervous system from being optimal.
  • create the potential for abnormal cell membranes in that area, making the scar unsightly or painful even years later.

The good news is that it is never too late to treat these scars. Even older, stubborn scars can get some relief with treatment.

There are multiple ways to accomplish it. Neural Therapy is one option. Typically performed by a trained medical doctor, it consists of injecting the anesthetic Procaine directly into the scar. It is like inserting an electrical charge, which disrupts the abnormal neural signals. (This can be especially good for tonsil scars.)

A newer therapy uses frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) at the scar site. I have also seen acupuncture work on certain scars. Specific massage techniques and hands-on energy work are other options, depending on the specialty of the practitioner.

Another option, one that I am more familiar with, is topically applied clay or detox mud iPacks. (I call them “mud packs.”) Muscle testing can be used to determine if a scar or trauma site is creating an interference field or energy blockage in the body. (You can learn how to muscle test yourself here.) The hands and feet are also checked as they have their own energy centers.

Once specific interference fields are located, mud packs are then used to help reset the body. Any hand or feet interference field needs to be cleared first. Then the other scars are mudded, typically starting with the more recent ones. Each mudding decreases the stress signal, which allows the body it to heal.

The detox mud packs most commonly consist of highly charged clays combined with humates, algae, and detoxifying herbs. The natural detoxifiers in the mud pack have a negative charge. Toxic, synthetic chemicals typically have a positive charge.

When the wet mixture of the mud pack is applied to the skin, an osmotic pulling effect occurs where the positively charged ions of the chemical toxins are attached to the negatively charged ions of the natural clays, acting to draw them out of the body. This eliminates scar (or trauma) interference fields, reestablishes the normal energy flow through the scar, and clears connective tissue and meridian channels, allowing the body to absorb more nutrients and continue healing.

I have seen some amazing results using mud packs. Removing energy blocks you did not even realize you had can shift things like digestive issues, sleep issues, chronic pain, brain fog and anxiety, thyroid health, among other things.

When looking at the body from a frequency point of view, clearing old interference fields can make all the difference in your health. It helps to remove blocks and restore balance. Contact me to find out more.

Note: When clearing interference fields it is important to take binders to help absorb the toxins released by the scars.

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